What is the Luminous Advocacy Project?

The Luminous Advocacy Project is a non-profit organization that aims for early detection of possible breast abnormalities by driving forward research, education, and medical support. We aim to empower both women and men to adopt a proactive and an awareness lifestyle, prioritizing their breast health.

Meet Our Advisory Board

Marries Gómez

Board Chair

Minh Le

Webmaster & Marketing Director

Emily Zubizaretta


Cindy Papale Hammontree

Community Outreach Chair

Karin Figueroa Cisneros

Community Outreach Chair

Cynthia Rodriguez

Strategy Officer

Mercy Acosta

Regional Outreach Director

Cristina Miller

Global Strategy Officer

Ruth Garcia

Operations Officer

Nicole Cosentino

Marketing Chair

Sari Sosa

Event Chair

Jacqueline Ceballos

Event Chair

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for your interest in the Luminous Pro Series! A member of our team will be in touch shortly to discuss your purchase.

your journey to improved breast health starts here.

Thank you

Our weekly Zoom Onboarding every Wednesday

Madrid: 7 PM

Miami: 1 PM

California: 10 AM

Link:   https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84339860529